Friday, January 2, 2009


Well, looking back at 2008, I have realized a few things.

1. I am not now nor will I ever be Martha Stewart, as witnessed by the pinata Christmas ornaments that are still sitting on my dryer half done.

2. As rough as things were, it all worked out the way it was supposed to and honestly it helped to me to take a long hard look at myself and decide if I am heading in the right direction.

3. There are only 4 things in my life that are truly, truly important, God, Mike, Payton and Garret, without them, I would be nothing.

So here I go jumping feet first into 2009, knowing that it is going to be our best year yet, that we will make through whatever gets thrown our way. And if I toss a new craft into the mix all the better, but hopefully I will remember to start it earlier rather than later.

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