People have been asking me how did you lose the weight? "Are you sick?" "What are you taking?" First off, I thank them for their concern, no I am not sick and I am not taking anything. What you see was done by sheer will and determination, a lot of sweat and even some swearing. So it started off with me getting a job where I have to walk, more than I have ever had to walk on a job except for Wild Rivers. I also got out of the house, so there wasn't a chance to sit on the couch, watch TV and eat what ever and when ever I wanted to.
My first pair of pants, I couldn't even button, so I did the old pregnancy trick, rubber band in the button hole. After a few weeks, something changed, low and behold I could button them. So, I started walking outside of work, in the neighborhood around the savanna anywhere I could and with anyone that wanted to come with me, the kids, the husband and friends. And it struck me one day on the way home from work, I was watching the kids run the neighborhoods and I realized I actually missed running. So, that was my next goal, I was going to run. Started slow and worked my way up to 3 miles. I ran my first 5k. And while the first mile is always the hardest, the sense of accomplishment outweighed the pain.
Getting active wasn't the only thing I did to change, I changed the way I eat. I cut out all soda, tea and juice. I drank only water or occasionally milk. I eat more veggies and salads. If we go out to eat, I cut my dinner in half and box it up right away so I don't pick at it. If we eat fast food, which we try not too, I order a kids meal. There have been plenty of nights I have gone to bed hungry. It was not easy to start off with, Diet Coke was my sweet treat and a large one was only $.99 , and there are days when I still want one, but I know if I have one, that will be the end of it, the same way with donuts, they are my crack.
I am now on my 3rd pair of pants, and I am still doing it. I have added working out with weights, and have actually started eating a bit more, but still watching the portions. And I have never felt better. I decided that if I don't reach my number goal and I am toned, I won't care, a number is just a number. My next goal is a half marathon with my sister, and who knows where I will go from there... the skies the limit. It isn't going to be easy, but dang worth it.